About Us

Our journey in animal rescue began in childhood, when neighbors would bring their sick and injured animals to our home for care. Over the years, we cared for a wide variety of animals—cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, as well as reptiles, turtles, and squirrels. This early passion for helping animals grew into a lifelong commitment.

As an adult, I began adopting dogs from shelters, and my family’s love for rescue deepened when we saved a bunny from an abandoned apartment in Chicago. We also volunteered with local rescues, assisting with the care of cats in PetSmart and adopting two special-needs hamsters.

When I learned about fostering, I immediately knew it was my calling. My first foster experience involved driving over an hour to pick up two pregnant guinea pigs, who both gave birth to healthy litters. It was an incredibly rewarding experience, knowing that all of them found loving homes. Our second foster, a paralyzed Cockapoo named Ellie, was left abandoned at an animal control center. Ellie became what is known in rescue as a "foster fail" - meaning we couldn’t part with her and she became a permanent member of our family.

We later worked with a rescue organization that focused on neonate puppies and kittens, providing bottle-feeding and care for the most vulnerable animals. Our first litter of puppies came from a reservation near Gallup, New Mexico, after their mother was tragically killed by a car. We raised the litter, and once again, foster failure struck as we adopted one of the puppies, Charlie, who has since grown into a beloved member of our family.

In addition to dogs, we have always had a deep love for cats. We opened our home to Malva, a Siamese mix who was the sole survivor of her litter. She was diagnosed with FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus), but after careful research and consultations with veterinarians, we decided that she, like other cats with FeLV, deserved to live out her life with love and dignity. Malva quickly became the "queen" of our household, and her strength inspires us daily.

Now, nearly three years and many rescues later, Malva and our other permanent residents welcome all who come to us in need. Our mission is to provide care, compassion, and second chances to animals who deserve to heal, grow, and find their forever homes. We are dedicated to mending not just broken bodies, but broken hearts.