
Grace came to us August 21, 2020 from Carma Cat Rescue. I am her foster but Carma Cat Rescue is her financial benefactor.

I know that Grace had been living in a home before she ended up in rescue and I know that she lived with another cat that did not test positive for FELV. But I cannot remember how she came to need to be rescued.

Casper and Katie's original rescuer, Janet, knew Grace’s rescue, Carma Cat Rescue founded by Barb Bayer. She has several large cat buildings with climate control, kitchenettes and catio's for each building. Barb obtained a FELV+ cat and Janet knew I took in FELV+ cats and connected us. Barb brought Grace to us. Grace is very vocal and yowls a lot! She's an independent girl. She won’t sit in your lap but loves to have her neck rubbed. She has been very healthy until recently.

I sort of suspected that something was going on with her. When she first came here she dominated our first resident cat, Malva. About 2 months ago Malva took over her old territory. So I’d been watching Grace closely and around the 1st of July (2022) I noticed her stomach was sinking in, and her hips and spine were protruding…symptoms of FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis).

She will be starting treatment for dry FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Wish us luck. I will post fundraisers for Grace if Carma Cat Rescue posts them. Luckily her rescue is going to pay for her treatment.

Grace trying to boss Malva

Grace resting

Grace in cat tree cubby hole

Cats love boxes and so does Grace!

Grace loves baskets too!

Grace's pretty face... no camera flash in eyes!